Wednesday, 20 April 2011

A Final Reminder...

Dear all that support Light Up the Sky,

A final reminder just to say; remember to be safe and act in accordance with the best intentions of this movement.  Think of others, be mindful of surroundings, - and to reiterate, be safe.

Happy 4:20, and enjoy your evenings.  Here's hoping everyone has a nice night!  Let's see if we can make a difference in the coming months.

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Via the facebook group:

Information videos/documentaries:

Watch them all, educate yourself, and others around you - spread the knowledge!

The Union: The Business Behind Getting High;

High: The True Tale of American Marijuana:

Grass: The History Of Marijuana:

Irv Rosenfeld:
(one of the first to get a constant supply of Cannabis from the US government and have gotten it for the last 28years)

Stoned In Suburbia:
(Cannabis Granny's)

History Channel;Marijuana: A Chronic History:
(was not allowed to be viewed before the prop.19 in Cali but was allowed to be shown the day after so it aired the next day after the election, why do you think that is?)

Medicinal Cannabis and its Impact on Human Health:
(brings up human history before the ban, agreculture/farming industry, medicinal and the history after the ban)

Totally Baked: A Pot-U-Mentary;
Parody movie/documentary 

Run from the Cure:

In Pot We Trust:

How Weed Won The West: 

American Drug War: The Last White Hope: 

Hemp for Victory:
American WW2 adverticing that EVERYONE should grow hemp

Drugs, Inc. 1x04 Marijuana:

Cannabis: What's the Harm? 1x01: 

4 plants: 

"Michael Pollan, a professor of journalism and a student of food, presents the history of four plants, each of which found a way to make itself essential to humans, thus ensuring widespread propagation. Apples, for sweetness; tulips, for beauty; marijuana, for pleasure; and, potatoes, for sustenance. Each has a story of discovery and adaptation; each has a symbiotic relationship with human civilization. The film tells these stories and examines these relationships. " 

Marijuana and Lung Cancer:

Waiting to inhale:
Part 1 of 8, all on youtube)

Hemp Revolution:
(Part 1 of 2, all on youtube)

The science of Marijuana:

Marijuana: A Chronic History:

Marijuana stops breast Cancer:

What if Cannabis cured Cancer: -

How Cannabis and Cannabinoid Receptors works:

Super High Me:

Addressing Concerns

There has been a comment posted on the Light Up the Sky blog to which warrants a reply.  Duly expressing concern, 'H' has left the following: 

"please think carefully before supporting this lantern release,these lanterns are flying fireballs, deadly to livestock,result in unnecessary callout of fire services and coast guards. They are a hazard to aircraft and have resulted in a child being killed and one seriously injured. Please please think of another way of promoting your cause without releasing these littering fireballs"

Thank you for commenting H, it's fully appreciate that you have concerns.  However, at no point is it encouraged to release a fireball, in fact, the mission statement explains that a sky lantern is just one way in which people have decided to release a protest.  Another method is LED balloons, although, these also have been met with equal chastisement.  There are plenty of other methods of protest, it's just the Light Up the Sky is the motif for awareness purposes.

Safety is crucial and paramount, you're right H, it is due to this that Light Up the Sky urges biodegradable lanterns if they are being used, these pose little environmental hazards as live stock can eat bamboo with little effect, as you can see, this has been thought of and promoted.  

Also, the RAF have recently used this protest method and received some favourable press:

- And they are being used as we speak to commemorate returning soldier's memory.  It is in hope that every responsible citizen acts in accordance with their own conscience and environmental factors that need consideration before releasing anything combustible.

You, H, also address the costs for calling out fire services and such.  Once more, it is a tricky situation all round as if a protest march was arranged - given the current climate - a monumental charge would be footed by the tax payer in police services.  It begs the question, how do you conduct a peaceful protest any more?  And is the Light Up the Sky concept any less socially inept than a large scale physical presence?  Subjectivity resides in any contentious issue.  It is hoped that Light Up the Sky will pose little threat to societies well being.

Once more, Light Up the Sky is simply raising awareness of the monumental harms of cannabis prohibition.  There were a large body of concerned non users of cannabis that decided to release a form of protest on the 20th April, and this blog facilitates the messages, and concerns, of everyone.

With thanks and gratitude.

Saturday, 5 March 2011

Mirapexin and Cannabis

Mirapexin®/ Sifrol® (pramipexole)

Why is this drug prescribed?
Although it is not a cure, Mirapexin eases the symptoms of Parkinson's disease--a progressive disorder marked by muscle rigidity, weakness, shaking, tremor, and eventually difficulty with walking and talking. Parkinson's disease results from a shortage of the chemical messenger dopamine in certain areas of the brain. Mirapexin is believed to work by boosting the action of whatever dopamine is available. The drug can be used for treating Restless Legs Syndrome, which is also linked to dopamine levels in the brain.

Number of Deaths from Drug – 14 (source:


What side effects may occur?

• More common side effects may include:
Abnormal dreams, arthritis, chest pain, confusion, constipation, decreased sensitivity to touch, difficulty breathing, difficulty walking, dizziness, dizziness upon standing, drowsiness, dry mouth, hallucinations, increased muscle tone, increased urination, insomnia, involuntary movement (jerky motions), lack of appetite, memory loss, nasal inflammation, nausea, swelling, urinary tract infections, vision abnormalities, weakness
• Less common side effects may include:
Decreased sex drive, Increased sex drive, delusions, difficulty swallowing, fever, general feeling of illness, impotence, inability to hold urine, muscle spasms or twitching, pneumonia, skin disorders, thinking abnormalities, uncontrollable restlessness, unfounded suspicions, weight loss, compulsive behaviours – gambling shopping#
• Rarer side effects may include:
Abnormal ejaculation, abnormal heartbeat, agitation, blood clots, blood in urine, blood circulation problems, convulsions, difficult or painful urination, enlarged abdomen, eye disorders, heart attack, heart problems, joint problems, lung problems, mental illness, muscular problems, prostate problems, severe chest pain (angina), thirst


At this point it is important to note that there are alternatives to using Mirapexin for Parkinson’s Disease or Restless Legs Syndrome, (RLS). One of these is Cannabis; please follow links for more information:


Cannabis is naturally occurring substance that can act as a relaxant and mild hallucinogenic.
When smoked, the effects are usually felt fairly quickly with people feeling more relaxed, happy and generally laid back.
Strong cannabis can also lead to pointless giggling, loss of inhibitions and an enhanced appreciation of music and colours.

Reported deaths: According to Drug War Facts, the answer is 0.

An exhaustive search of the literature finds no credible reports of deaths induced by cannabis.


The effects of smoking cannabis are usually lighter than those of many other recreational psychoactive substances. People are generally capable of carrying out normal actions and activities while high.


  • mood lift, euphoria
  • laughter
  • relaxation, stress reduction
  • creative, philosophical, abstract, or deep thinking : ideas flow more easily
  • increased appreciation or awareness of music; deeper connection to music; increased emotional impact of music
  • increased awareness of senses (eating, drinking, smell)
  • change in experience of muscle fatigue; pleasant body feel; increase in body/mind connection
  • pain relief (headaches, cramps)
  • reduced nausea, increased appetite (used medically for this)
  • boring tasks or entertainment can become more interesting or funny


  • general change in consciousness
  • increased appetite,
  • slowness (slow driving, talking)
  • change in vision, such as sharpened colours or lights
  • closed-eye visuals (somewhat uncommon)
  • tiredness, sleepiness, lethargy
  • stimulation, inability to sleep (less common)
  • blood-shot eyes (more common with certain varieties of cannabis and inexperienced users)
  • mouth dryness, sticky-mouth (varies with strain)
  • interruption of linear memory; difficulty following a train of thought
  • cheek, jaw, facial tension / numbness (less commonly reported)
  • racing thoughts (especially at high doses)
  • time sense altered (for example, cars seem like they are moving too fast); time dilation and compression are common at higher doses


  • coughing, asthma, upper respiratory problems *
  • difficulty with short-term memory during effects and during periods of frequent use (Ranganathan M, D'Souza DC, Psychopharmacology, 2006)
  • racing heart, agitation, feeling tense
  • mild to severe anxiety **
  • panic attacks in sensitive users or with very high doses (oral use increases risk of getting too much)
  • headaches
  • dizziness, confusion
  • light-headedness
  • paranoid & anxious thoughts more frequent
  • possible psychological dependence on cannabis
  • clumsiness, loss of coordination at high doses
  • can precipitate or exacerbate latent or existing mental disorders

*It must be noted that Cannabis, more specifically 9-THC and, to a lesser extent, delta 8-THC, have been studied and found to work as a bronchodilator and therefore of benefit to people with Asthma,

** Cannabis has been reported as useful for people suffering with anxiety, with users reporting most of the anxiety experienced was due to the legal status of it. In a recent survey of Cannabis users over 60% stated that any anxiety they experienced using Cannabis was due to the fact that it is currently illegal in their country.

We would also like to point out at this time that any treatment plan should not be commenced without proper research. Unfortunately due to Cannabis being illegal it prevents people finding out about the use of Cannabis for medical conditions, removing choice and possibly freedom from the condition from the sufferer.

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Light Up the Sky - Press Release

 Lantern release on the 20th April 2011 at 21.00 hrs (LOCAL TIME) to highlight the need for Cannabis to be properly regulated.

In the recent years Cannabis legislation has become more important with more and more people realising the benefits of Cannabis use. With many scientists and health campaigners understanding that the biggest problems with cannabis use result from the nature of the drug’s regulation – contact with criminals, police involvement and subsequent charges and possibly the loss of a job, we aim to change this.

On the back of the oppressive legislation – the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 – Cannabis is seen as having no medicinal use as seen by it being listed as a schedule 1 drug meaning no medicinal benefit. However more and more research has shown that there are many illness/conditions that can be treated with Cannabis, (such as Chronic Pain, Alzheimer’s and Brest Cancer - McAllister SD, Christian RT, Horowitz MP, Garcia A, Desprez PY (November 2007). "Cannabidiol as a novel inhibitor of Id-1 gene expression in aggressive breast cancer cells"), indeed it is being marketed as Sativex, (Sativex is a mouth spray developed by the UK Company GW Pharmaceuticals for multiple sclerosis patients). This misinformation about Cannabis continues to confuse people and prevents proper discussion and, the freedom to use Cannabis for those who feel they benefit from it.

Professor Nutt of Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs was dismissed form his job as he had in his professional opinion and after many years of research concluded that Cannabis use is safer than alcohol use. This dismissal of the chairman of the Advisory Council for honestly reporting his findings effectively shows the British Governments refusal to look at the facts, and indeed appear to be attempting to subvert honest research as a political tool, (much support can be garnered through manipulating peoples fear).

Very often GP’s would secretly advise people if they can access cannabis to help their condition then to do it, again we see medical people recognising the benefits of Cannabis, (1 in 6 people report this in a survey, published in the International Journal of Clinical Practice). How many people suffer needlessly due to the prohibition of Cannabis?

Many economists believe that the taxation garnered from legalising Cannabis to be worth millions to the British economy and this money can be used in the NHS, Education, or to help stop some of the massive cuts that are being made at the moment. Also the legalisation would SAVE money. Much is being spent each year policing illegal grows and events. Time is taken up in court, with costs in solicitors’ judges and all the ancillary staff. And our already overcrowded prison system is struggling to deal with proper criminals who are a danger to people, why are we adding to this by imprisoning people who are using Cannabis for themselves and not harming anyone?

In the US up to 1 Trillion Dollars have been spent on the war on drugs with little impact, in England for policing Cannabis, (not taking into consideration the Customs & Excise), amounts to at least £50 million a year (including sentencing costs), and absorbs the equivalent of 500 full-time police officers, (source South Bank University’s Criminal Policy Research Unit). At such a time of economic hardships can we still justify this outrageous expenditure?

We as a group of Cannabis users understand the nature of Cannabis and wish to highlight some of the reasons why we believe Cannabis should be made legal. We are organising a lantern release on the 20th April 2011 at 21.00 hrs (LOCAL TIME) to highlight the need for Cannabis to be properly regulated. We have a face book page under the name Light up the sky, and a website - 

- with links to cannabis information and information about the lantern release. We urge all people who are interested in civil liberties, the health and welfare of their loved ones, those who want to protect their family from crime and see a more rational approach to Cannabis to get involved in spreading the word about this up coming demonstration. 

Monday, 14 February 2011

70% of Brits & 66% of the U.S Think Cannabis Prohibition Should End

Public opinion’s voice is only ever bugled through the lucid tones of media editorial.

For many years the stalemate of cannabis law has boiled down to one thing; a political issue.  Politicians on both sides of the Atlantic bow down to lobby pressure and the clamour of the press gang.  A misleading stance is perpetuated that cannabis law is fine how it is because the public demand it so, therefore, votes will be won and lost on the basis of policy.

In recent years, and with the wane of forced opinion due to the advent of the internet, the voice of society can make their own position clear without the need for filter.

A case in point for this new brand of free speech is the two polls that demonstrate that the public of Britain and America are no longer happy with the status quo of cannabis law.

In 2010, the Liberal Democrats for Drug Policy Reform commissioned a poll on the merits of cannabis prohibition Vs regulation.  When this question is posed - and with the true meanings of the terms explained - the dangers of cannabis prohibition become staggeringly evident.  70% of those polled wished for regulation; a report on the poll can be seen here at

Running parallel to this British poll, the U.S. publication The Economist - and a YouGov poll - has also fired a warning shot at prohibition.  66% wished to end the counter-productive laws on cannabis in favour of a regulatory model where cannabis can be taxed, controlled and with relevant potency and health information.  Please view the results here at the Economist. 

These figures are a far cry from what we are led to believe.  Perhaps this is a sure sign that a communal effort is needed to raise awareness.  Make no mistake, this is a battle of attrition, if change is to come about it is going to take every voice to do their part.  Perhaps the most confusing part of these results?  Why did they not receive the press attention deserved given such a significant outcome?

Thursday, 10 February 2011

Light Up the Sky? - What Is It?

On the 20 April at 21:00 - 21 April at 00:00, ‘Light Up The Sky’ invites the lighting of a beacon in recognition of the counterproductive cannabis laws.

The ‘Light Up The Sky’ movement asks that concerned citizens of the world act in accordance with their own beliefs by releasing an LED balloon, or a sky lantern, in efforts to raise awareness of cannabis prohibition and the human costs.

Light Up The Sky’ is non profit making and it is not a campaign group - it is simply a collection of like minded individuals, wishing for their voices to be heard in what has become a political wilderness. Despite all the evidence to the contrary & the detrimental effects, the prohibition of cannabis has become a political garrison and has directly funded terrorism, human trafficking and gang wars the world over. Cannabis prohibition also impedes the protection of our young by allowing a feral industry - which is booming - and directly targets youth culture. The UK alone spends £19billion on the ‘War on Drugs’ with cannabis receiving a large portion of that budget. Cannabis now has an estimated street worth of £5billion which acts as uncapped profits to fuel a perpetual underground. In the U.S, these figures are exponentially greater. The results of cannabis prohibition - as in 1920’s prohibition America - have once more been catastrophic; change is needed.

Light Up The Sky’ does not condone or promote the breaking of law, but it does however demand the evocation of the democratic necessity to debate & question law with a view to seeking better policy that shall benefit society as a whole. It is the view of ‘Light Up The Sky’ that the abolition of cannabis prohibition and a regularity system in its stead is the logical step in:

Cutting crime, freeing valuable police resources, implementing age check systems to protect the young & vulnerable, to raise awareness to adequate harm reduction & emplacements of quality control, and to allow the human rights of an estimated 165 million non-problematic cannabis users worldwide.

'Light Up The Sky' invites every concerned citizen to raise awareness and do what they think is just in a night of celebrations befitting of the mutual goal of responsibility; an aim for a carnival atmosphere, and to aid the mutual aim of ending prohibition.

Get involved, spread the word, and find out more on the facebook pages:

Light Up the Sky

ItShould BeLegal

Thank you.

Facts About Marijuana